Power Blogging - High School Students Rocked a Blog in Three Days

Green Ink : Blogging for a Better Tomorrow You would not think six high school students (along with a mentor and three college counselors - one just graduated in May) could rock a blog and get over 400 visits in three days. Well, these guys and girls did. You may be wondering how they did that, because those numbers are amazing in the blogashpere. As the Green Ink group mentor at the Redesigning the Future summer camp for high school students, I can tell you that we're not talking black hat SEO, buying links, or any other tricks. These high school students simply put up great information and shared their work. As a power blogger, I can tell you that is the key. Put up information people want to read and get the word out. That's what the group did, and it paid off. Bloggers Working Hard at the Environmental Summit I am a Communication lecturer at the college, so I can tell you this was not easy. Good online blog traffic does not just happen. If the student...