Alumni Profile: Savannah, Animal Rescues and (Wolf)Puppy-Love

Savannah and her wolfdog, Mesa I f there is anyone who could give Dr. Doolittle a run for his money, it would be Savannah Spratt. Savannah, an attendee of the first-ever National Environmental Summit in 2011, has always known she wanted to work with animals. “For as long as I can remember, even when I was a kid, I always knew that was something I wanted to do.” Growing up, she was exposed to subjects of the environment constantly through her school’s own nature trail, natural history museum, and butterfly sanctuary. Throughout high school, she remained involved with her interests through environmental clubs and by volunteering at Friends of Animals, a local animal shelter. “I just feel like it was ingrained in me as a kid. And I was one of the few kids from that school who became really interested and kept up with that sort of thing. […] I was always keeping myself busy trying to be a biologist and an activist for as long as I can remember.” In 2011, Savannah atte...