Alumni Profile: Where in the nation is Meghan Barker?

E very summer, students travel from around the country to attend the National Environmental Summit. In 2012, Meghan Barker was the student who traveled the farthest to attend the Summit, coming all the way from her home state of Colorado. Of the traveling, Meghan says, “It was my first time in NC, so the Summit was . . . a great travel opportunity for me to engage with people who did not grow up in the same region and regional culture as me.” While on the East Coast, Meghan enjoyed discovering what North Carolina’s natural world had to offer and how it differed from her home state of Colorado. She loved spending time outside exploring the Fred Stanback, Jr. Ecological Preserve , and she liked being able to connect with other students during social times in the evening, forming relationships that she still maintains today! Meghan wanted to be a field biologist at the time of the Summit, so she chos...