
Showing posts from July 13, 2012

Nature Speaks for Me - A Poem by Monique

Dr. Forrest Anderson, Assistant Professor of English, conducted a Discovery Session called "A Field Guide to the Poetics of Environmental Writing. Students put together poems with a nature theme during the session. Camper Monique wrote a poem that touched her fellow group members. Her poem was displayed on the last night of the summit, and she did a reading for the entire group. Nature Speaks for Me By Monique Useless, unworthy, and unwanted. This chant in my ear. Smack, drug away and done any kind of Way. Tall, brown, big bright green leaves. Like me, this beautiful site was cut At the waste. When I would get too lonely and shattered to stand The patter of my feet would echo in the wind. Here, no man could rip me to shreds and use me as he saw fit. What happens when water gets scarce? It dies. What happened on my last dance? I bawled up next to what I thought held some connection. I had its back it had mine. It was all in my head but that was alright. This sick ...

I'm On Turtle Time. Are You?

By: Keela Sweeney Today I got the oppurtunity to accompany the "Animals Near and Far" group on their turtle tracking adventure! Students suited up and climbed into kayaks with satellites in hand so they could track where in the pond the turtles were. In the beginning of the week this group worked hard to catch up to six turtles inhabiting the pond and marsh areas around the Center for the Environment Nature Preserve here at Catawba College. Two huge snappers and four midsize to baby turtles were marked on Monday with trackers so that the students could go back and track them all today. And I was lucky enough to join the fun!  Emily and Josh using the radiotelemetric rod to find their marked turtles Having a great time out on the pond                                                               ...

Having a Blast While Helping Make a Difference

Photo by: Emily Pieper Summit campers Justine, Shaina, Chas, and Emma (L-R) take a short break before working hard on their student Action Plans. Shaina (second from the left) plans on starting a United Students Against Sweatshops club at her school and eventually have them purchase spirit wear from sweat-free companies. A Quick News Note from Green Ink Blogger Emily Pieper 

Our Whole Group - Redesigning the Future 2012

                                                                                                                                                           Photo by Dr. Seth Holzman Redesigning the Future: Environmental Summit...

From Culture Shock to Love

From Culture Shock to Love By Shaina Robinson As a northerner from Michigan, I began preparing myself a couple of days before coming to this  summit  in Salisbury, NC for some southern culture shock. The last time I had eaten food in the South, I hadn't had the best experience. I had gone down to breakfast hoping to get some some porridge and when I saw some on the table I was ecstatic. The food that I thought was porridge though turned out to be grits and despite how many times people told me that the two foods were different, I was sure that they would taste the same. I mean they look similar right? Well, as I would soon learn, porridge and grits are different foods and needless to say I never quite thought about grits in the same way again. But now that I'm here at Catawba  at the Environmental Summit for high school students, I've had the chance to try southern food again, and I really enjoy it! Of course there are other aspects of the s...

The Future - What We Plan to do After the Summit

Name State  Summit Campers from Dr. Eric Hake's Focus Group              Thoughts on making a difference . . . Natasha Anbalagan NC I plan to convince my school to install low-flush toilets by creating a cost-benifit analysis that shows the net benifits of low-flush toilets. Saloni Choudhary NJ I'm going to talk to my school administrators about selling re-usable water bottles in our school store. It's such a simple way to make a difference. Emma NC I plan to establish a school garden, which through programs here we've learned is a SMART goal. Gabby NC I hope to do work with the NCSEA and spreading awareness on the topic of using green energy in NC. I hope to join them in one of their annual meetings. Chas VA I want to bring more in-depth environmental information to my school since it lacks envionr...

Connecting with Nature Through Deep Thinking

Connecting with  Nature Through Deep Thinking By Shaina Robinson  A couple of days ago, I got the chance to sneak a peek inside the room of " Is Nature What We Think It Is ?" focus group . When I entered, it was dimly lighted by a single candle with sunlight being its only other source of lighting. At the time, all of the group members were in the state of "deep thinking" and were trying to answer the discussion question that had been given to them.   I soon found out that the goal of this focus group was to determine what nature really is and how when our ideas around it change, so do our outcomes. It's hard to explain what types of discussion happened in the focus group, but modern and premodern thinking were prominent topics in many of them. The general idea and ensuing argument behind these phrases is that schools aren't teaching students to be humanistic anymore and are instead promoting materialism.   As I was taking pictures ...

Camper Spotlight - Zahra - Flying and the Environment

Summit Camper Has a Passion for Aviation By Emma Sophia Zahra is a rising high school senior from Salisbury, North Carolina who is in the Environmental Education through Theater focus group at camp.  Previously, she has been part of her middle school's Green Team; the Green Team is a recycling program at her school that she says is not taken very seriously by teachers and students. Last fall, things for Zahra changed when she took AP Environmental Science. In the class she learned more about environmental issues and realized that there is a lot of help and change that needs to happen in the world, and she wants to be part of that change. Zahra also has a passion for aviation. Flying is something she has loved for a long time, and just this past year, she got her pilot license for her birthday. Because of her love for flying, she has long dreamed of being an aeronautical engineer. Now that she also pays more acute attention to environmental issues, she struggles with th...