The Future - What We Plan to do After the Summit



Summit Campers from Dr. Eric Hake's Focus Group 

         Thoughts on making a difference . . .
Natasha Anbalagan NC I plan to convince my school to install low-flush toilets by creating a cost-benifit analysis that shows the net benifits of low-flush toilets.
Saloni Choudhary NJ I'm going to talk to my school administrators about selling re-usable water bottles in our school store. It's such a simple way to make a difference.
Emma NC I plan to establish a school garden, which through programs here we've learned is a SMART goal.
Gabby NC I hope to do work with the NCSEA and spreading awareness on the topic of using green energy in NC. I hope to join them in one of their annual meetings.
Chas VA I want to bring more in-depth environmental information to my school since it lacks envionrmental programs and classes. I plan on contacting the school board about the absense of classes.
Samuel DuBois NC I hope to eventually become an architect in my future, using many ideas to create buildings that are more envionrmentally friendly.
Robert Kerby VA I hope to take my knowledge back to my high school and persuade admnistrators to install LED lights and new recycling bins along with convincing teachers and students to use windows instead of lights during daylight hours.
Monique Watkins NC I want to share my experience with many people at my school so they may consider joining and help me to come up with many helpful environmental tips.


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