Ben Prater: Changing Our Perspective

By: JaneCameron Williamson

Ben Prater

On the 12th day of July, 2013 Ben Prater came to talk to the participants about developing a strategy to better understand a conservation project. He had a great system of thinking. He taught us the main 5 steps:

  • Identify the issue.
  • Consider your stakeholders.
  • Set your SMART goals.
  • Develop a strategy.

He said long term goals are better and a S.M.A.R.T. goal stood for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

Some social strategies he talked about were: Information/Education, Social Marketing, and Regulation. Also he talked about conceptual lenses we use to understand something such as; urgency lens, building block lens, advocacy lens, feasibility lens, commitment lens, and impact lens.

He was very fun to listen to and had quotes all throughout his presentation. One that I enjoyed was from John Naisbitt:

"We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom."


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