By: Julia Vaughan, Delaney O'Connor
Go Ahead: Change Your Mind, Dr. Holtzman
Learning techniques and skills from the professor.
(Katie Allen, Jennifer Elizalde Martinez, Misa Harashima, | | Katie Knotek, Cinthia, Moncada Soto, Autmn Ulrich) |
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Using physical objects to teach and learn.
(Katie Allen, Jennifer Elizalde Martinez, Misa Harashima, Katie Knotek, Cinthia, Moncada Soto, Autmn Ulrich) |
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Water Wars?, Dr. Feeney
Campers being taught about wars against water.
(James Dunbar, Jennifer Horsburg, Devin Kehoe, Cameron Marsh.) |
Taking in notes and information.
(James Dunbar, Jennifer Horsburg, Devin Kehoe, Cameron Marsh.) |
A Backbone for Conservation, Dr. Poston
Learning and discussing the different turtle types. (Robby Cogburn, Evan Dorsi, Sincere Hargrove, Shauna Hendrie, Patrick Lowder, Lexie Burns) |
Dr Posten notching a turtle to keep track of it. | |
Green Reporting, Mrs.Wittum
Students are updating and working on the blog and stories. |
Invasive Alien Plants and Animals: Friend or Foe to the Environment?, Dr. Bolin
Carolyn Kasper, Sarah Stern, and Dr. Jay Bolin are creating wind chimes out of bamboo. |
Holly and Mary Kuhn are working on their wind chimes. |
They Paved Paradise and Put Up a Parking Lot, Dr. Fish
Edgar Contreras-Hernandez, Mei Lander, and Makayla all work on their song with Dr. Fish. |
Camper, Mei Lander, is playing the ukulele to work on the song with her focus group. |
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