Getting to Share What We Learned at the Summit

Showcasing our Environmental Knowledge and Projects from the Week

After a super busy week at Redesigning Our Future: Environmental Summit for High School students, groups spent Friday afternoon coming up with creative ideas to share what was learned and how we've all grown.

There was a flurry across campus as we all tried to develop creative ways to capture the spirits of our various focus groups. Everyone was running here and there picking up poster boards, markers, tape, and various other odds and ends.

Dr. Sue Calcagni Has a Safe Spot with a Good View in the Environmental Center 

The view from above at the Center for the Environment at Catawba College was probably the safest spot with so much going on and only forty-five minutes to get things together and over to the Peeler-Crystal Lounge.

You Need WHAT to Make WHAT?
Every group had a different overall personality and work style. Some groups had traditional table discussions while others scattered around building or putting together things. Some groups were rather quiet while others were bouncing off the walls.  

Dr. Eric Hake's Group Took the Circle and Talk Approach to Start With

Other Groups Dug Right In. Can You Spell M-E-S-S-Y? Thought So.

Summit Students Did a Test Run on Their Candles

This Student Makes Sure That He Has His Part Down Pat

Members of the Nature Poetry Group Made Copies for Display

The Green Ink Blogging Group Tried to Keep Up with the News While Also Getting Ready to Share the Events of the Week

Emma Sophia and Austin (Green Ink Bloggers) Found the Sacred Spaces Group Building Mini Gardens and Got a Photo

Will We Get Our Poster Done on Time? We Hope So.

Dr. Rhonda Truitt (who coordinated the "What We Learned" festival with Mrs. Linda Kesler) Worked Hard to Get All the Technical Gear Ready to Roll

And, then we all gathered to share our special week as one large group. Because, as we learned, redesigning our earth is very much about sharing and collaboration.


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