What Would Camp Be Without Counselors?

Meet Our Energetic and Hard-Working Counselors 2015
Meet our counselors for 2015. Camp couldn't run without these high energy college students who live and breathe camp for a week every summer. From setting up events to late night dorm checks and cleaning up messes to coming up with fun ideas, these young people deserve a high five.

Counselors this year include Payden Mitchell, Ashley Everidge, Mary Scott Norris, Brinsley Stewart (head counselor), Seth Stephens, Deep Dave, Hannah Davis, and Forest Fugate.


  1. Our daughter, Abbey, had a blast and learned so much! Thanks to all the counselors and staff for a great week, especially to her counselor, Deep!

  2. I'm so glad Abbey had a good time at camp. I worked with this blogging group and had a blast and learned a lot too. Deep has been in my classes, and he's a really wonderful young man. It was a pleasure to work at camp with all the outstanding students and the strong staff, faculty, and counselors.


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